Columbia Graduates Throw Fits As They Get Diplomas in Hysterical Performative Displays

AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah

As we reported, Columbia University cancelled their university-wide large graduation that was supposed to be held on May 15 on the South Lawn because they were concerned about ensuring security for the event. 


But they are still holding the smaller, individual schools' graduations within the university. 

READ MORE:  Columbia Concedes, Cancels Main University-Wide Commencement Ceremony Because of the Radicals

On Friday, Columbia had the School of Social Work graduation and some of the children threw fits as they did their stage walk. 

Some of them were in zip ties, including one woman who then faced the crowds and ripped up the diploma they'd handed her. 

Meanwhile others wore keffiyehs and zip ties or pretended to be prisoners. Some carried signs saying "Free Palestine." 

Now I doubt that any of the people who were involved in the campus protests or the seizure of Hamilton Hall are going to face any real consequences for their actions. So far, the only charges people seem to be facing are trespassing. So these folks acting like students or other activists are being taken off to a gulag is a bit much. 

I also have some other questions about this performance art. Some schools don't hand out diplomas during the ceremony, you get it in the mail later. So I'm not even sure she's actually tearing up a real diploma. 

But why would you stomp on your own achievement? And how would that do anything at all to stop Israel's actions in Gaza or have Columbia divest? It's just a "look at me, I'm special" display. 


If they truly want to reject Columbia because of Columbia's "evil" associations with Israel, why are they marching at all? Why are they accepting any degrees? Why aren't they refusing them, as they should? Aren't those degrees evil and tainted if the university hasn't divested from Israel? And now that these folks have accepted the degrees aren't they tainted too? So are they going to apply for jobs saying they have a Columbia degree? And then shouldn't the employers reject them? 

I'm just going to guess when they're applying for jobs, they're still putting Columbia on their resumes and not denying where they went to school. I'm betting they're not going so far as to leave that out. 

Of course, any employer looking at these tantrums would probably cross these folks off the hiring list outright, because if they have any sense, they wouldn't want to be buying trouble for the future. 


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